Bailey Lab
Peer Reviewed Papers
Our team consistently publishes across disciplines and academic journals.
Sheike Heile A, Dyer E, Bealy R, and Bailey M. 2024. Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices in the Indian Ocean: Impacts, Management, and Policy Implications. Nature Ocean Sustainability. Seidler D, Zurba M, McCarney P, Saunders M, Bailey M, and Bodwitch H. (In press). Reshaping Research Paradigms: Insights From a Large-Scale Project Based in Nunatsiavut, Labrador Canada. Arctic. Gayford, J. H., Waghe, R., Sternes, P. C., & Tyabji, Z. 2024. Allometric Growth and Scaling of Body Form of the Spadenose Shark (Scoliodon laticaudus). Ecology and Evolution, 14(10), e70414. Tyabji, Z., Jabado, R. W., Akhilesh, K. V., Kizhakudan, S. J., & MacNeil, M. A. 2024. Past and present sawfish (Pristidae) records from India. Endangered Species Research, 53, 523-532. Ortenzi KM, Flowers VL, Pamak C, Saunders M, Schmidt JO, Bailey M. Good data relations key to Indigenous research sovereignty: A case study from Nunatsiavut. Ambio. Croft, F., Breakey H., Voyer, M., Moyle, C., Solitei, M., Cisneros-Montemayor, A., Issifu, I., Benzaken, D., Bodwitch, H., Campbell, B., Fusco, L., Ota, Y., Pauwelussen, A., Schutter, M., Pouponnea, A., Barclay, K., Van Leeuwen, J. (2024). Rethinking Blue Economy Governance – A Blue Economy Equity Model as an approach to operationalise equity. Environmental Science and Policy, 155, 103710. Cadman R, Bodwitch H, Hamelin K, Ortenzi K, Seidler D, Sinan H, Kim A, Akinrinola G, Sheike Heile A & Bailey M. (2024). Working towards decolonial futures in Canada: First steps for non-Indigenous fisheries researchers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81(9). Cadman R, Syliboy A, Saunders M, Denny S, Denniston M, Barry E, Bishop B, Landovskis S & Bailey M. 2024. Using positionality to support equity in partnership researcher. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 81(9): 1319-1328. Landovskis S, Lennox R, Bailey M, Iverson S, Jeddore S, Murray C, and Whoriskey F. 2024 Habitat and movement selection processes of American lobster/jakej within a restricted bay in the Bras d’OrLake/Pitu’paq, Nova Scotia, Canada. Movement Ecology. Sumaila, U.R., Alam, L., et al. 2024. WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement. Nature Ocean Sustainability 3(6). Hamelin, K. M., A. T. Charles, and M. Bailey. 2024. Community knowledge as a cornerstone for fisheries management. Ecology and Society 29(1):26. Bodwitch H, Hamelin K, Paul K, Reid J, and Bailey M. 2024. Indigenous self-determination in fisheries governance: implications from New Zealand and Atlantic Canada. Frontiers in Marine Science(11). Kim, A., Scott, C. P., & Swartz, W. 2024. Local perspectives on marine ecotourism development in a water-insecure island region: the case of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1377053. Kourantidou M, Hoagland P, Bailey M. 2024. Navigating Nunatsiavut’s Arctic Charr: A Simultaneous Commercial and Subsistence Fishery with Many Unknowns. Marine Resource Economics, 39(3). Sumaila, U.R., Alam, L., et al. 2024. WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement. Nature Ocean Sustainability 3(6). Cadman R, Snook J, Goudie J, Watts K, Broomfield T, Johnson R, Winters J, Dale A & Bailey, M. 2024. We don’t have a lot of trees, but by God, do we have a lot of fish”: Imagining post-colonial futures for the Nunatsiavut fishing industry. AlterNATIVE: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. Vanderkaden S, Bailey M, Giles A, and Milley C. 2024. Reconsidering market development approaches to support Nunavut Inuit priorities in the seal market. Arctic. Pererira, L., Gianelli, I., Achieng, T., Amon, D., Archibald, S., Arif, S. et al. 2024. Equity and justice should underpin the discourse on tipping points. Earth Systems Dynamics 15: 341-366.
Barclay KM, Bush SR, Jaap Poos J, Richter A, van Zwieten PAM, Hamon KG, Carballo-Cardenas E, Pauwelussen AP, Groeneveld RA, Toonen HM, Schadeberg A, Kraan M, Bailey M, can Leeuwen J. 2023. Social harvest control rules for sustainable fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 00:1-10. DOI:10.1111/faf.12769 Cadman R, Dicker M, Denniston M, McCarney P, Laung R, Oliver ECJ, Bailey M. 2023. Using the Framework Method to support collaborative and cross cultural qualitative data analysis. FACETS 8: 1-13. Curran K, Hamelin KM, Bailey M. 2023. Humanizing marine spatial planning: A salutogenic approach. Marine Policy, 154: 105660. Schiller L, Bailey M, Bodwitch H, Sinan H, Auld G. 2023. Evaluating the roles and reach of philanthropic foundations in sustainability efforts for tuna. Conservation Science & Practice, 5(5): e12751. Cadman R, Snook J, Broomfield T, Goudie J, Johnson R, Watts K, Dale A, Bailey M. 2023. Articulating Indigenous Futures: Using Target Seeking Scenario Planning in Support of Inuit-led Fisheries Governance. Journal of Participatory Research Methods, 4(2). Cadman R, Snook J, Gilbride J, Goudie J, Watts K, Dale A, Zurba M, Bailey M. 2023. Labrador Inuit resilience and resurgence: embedding Indigenous values in commercial fisheries governance. Ecology & Society, 28(2): 11. Rector ME, Filgueira R, Bailey M, Walker TR, Grant J. 2023. Sustainability outcomes of aquaculture eco-certification: Challenges and opportunities. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 106(2): 161-179. Hamelin KM, Hutchings JA, Bailey M. 2023. Look who’s talking: contributions to evidence-based decision-making for commercial fisheries in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Schiller L, Auld G, Hanich Q, Bailey M. 2023. Increasing industry involvement in international tuna fishery negotiations. One Earth. Ostrega M, Adams AJ, Pina-Amargos F, Cooke SJ, Bailey M. (2023) A stakeholder-engaged approach to evaluating spawning aggregation management as a strategy for conservation bonefish (Albula vulpes) in Cuba. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 161-179. Shellock RJ, Cvitanovic C, McKinnon MC, Mackay M, van Putten IE, Blythe J, Kelly R, Tuohy P, Maltby KM, Mynott S, Simmonds N, Bailey M, Begossi A, … Wisz MS. 2022. Building leaders for the UN Ocean Science Decade: a guide to supporting early career women researchers within academic marine institutions. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 80(1): 56-75. Nanglu, K., de Carle, D., Cullen, T., Anderson, E., Arif, S., Rowshyra, C. et al. 2023. The nature of science: the fundamental role of natural history in ecology, evolution, conservation, and education. Ecology and Evolution 13. 10.1002/ece3.10621. Chu, S., Robertson, M., Cloutier, A., Arif, S., Westwood, A. 2023. Do environmental researchers from marginalized groups experience greater interference? Understanding scientists’ perceptions. 2023. Facets 8: 1-23. Arif, S., Massey, M. 2023. Reducing bias in experimental ecology through directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Ecology and Evolution 13(3): e9947. GG Singh, H Harden-Davies, W Swartz, A M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Y. Ota. 2023. An international panel for ocean sustainability needs to proactively address challenges facing existing science–policy platforms. npj Ocean Sustainability 2 (1), 21. JJ Alava, M Moreno-Báez, K McMullen, MB Tekman, APW Barrows, M Bergmann, D Price, W Swartz, Y Ota. 2023. Ecological Impacts of Marine Plastic Pollution, Microplastics’ Foodweb Bioaccumulation Modelling and Global Ocean Footprint: Insights into the Problems, the Management Implications and Coastal Communities Inequities. IOF Working Papers 2023 (01), 81 pp.
Hamelin KM, MacNeil AM, Curran K, Bailey M. 2022. “The people’s fish”: Sociocultural dimensions of recreational fishing for Atlantic mackerel in Nova Scotia. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:971262. Petriello MA, Zurba M, Schmidt JO, Anthony K, Jacque N, Nochasak C, Winters J, Winters J, Bailey M, Oliver ECJ, McCarney P, Bishop B, Bodwitch H, Cadman R, McLaren M. 2022. The power and precarity of knowledge co-production. Transdisciplinary Marine Research: Bridging Science and Society, 16 pp. Cadman R & Bailey M. 2022. Indigenous Empowerment Through Co-Management: Land Claims Boards, Wildlife Management, and Environmental Regulations, by Graham White. ARCTIC, 75(4): 497-499. Sinan H, Willis C, Swartz W, Sumaila RU, Forsdyke R, Skerritt DJ, Le Manach F, Colléter M, Bailey M. 2022. Subsidies and allocation: A legacy of distortion and intergenerational loss. Frontiers in Human Dynamics 4: 1044321. Schiller L, Hussain S, Bodwitch H, Bailey M, and Auld G. 2022. Evaluation the roles and research of philanthropic foundations in sustainability efforts for tuna. Conservation Science and Practice 5(5): e12751. Cadman R, Snook J, Bailey M. 2022. Ten years of Inuit co-management: advancing research, resilience, and capacity in Nunatsiavut through fishery governance. Regional Environmental Change 22: 127. Shellock B, Cvitanovic C, MacKay M, McKinnon M, Blythe J, Kelly R…. and Wisz M. 2022. Breaking down barriers: The identification of actions to promote gender equality in interdisciplinary marine research institutions. One Earth 5: 1-22. Bodwitch H, Song AM, Temby O, Reid J, Bailey M, and Hickey GM. 2022. Why New Zealand’s Indigenous reconciliation process has failed to empower Māori fisheries: Distributional, procedural, and recognition-based injustices. World Development 157: 105894. Crosman KM, Allison EH, Ota Y, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Singh GG, Swartz W, Bailey M, Baclay KM, Blume G, … Spalding AK. 2022. Social equity is key to sustainable ocean governance. npj Ocean Sustainability 1: 4. Zurba M, Petriello MA, Madge C, McCarney P, Bishop B, McBeth S, Denniston M, Bodwitch H, and Bailey M. 2022. Learning from knowledge co-production research and practice in the twenty-first century: Global lessons and what they mean for collaborative research in Nunatsiavut. Sustainability Science 17(2): 449-467. Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Nguyen T, Da Rocha JM, Sumaila UR, Skerritt D, Schuhbauer A, Sanjurjo E, and Bailey M. 2022. A constructive critique of the World Trade Organization draft agreement on harmful fisheries subsidies. Marine Policy 135: 104872. Sinan H, Bailey M, Hanich Q, and Azmi K. Common but differentiated rights and responsibilities in tuna fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries 23(1): 202-2012. Rector M, Grant J, Bailey M, Walker T and Filgueira R. 2022. Sustainability outcomes of aquaculture eco-certification: Challenges and opportunities. Reviews in Aquaculture. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12763 AM Cisneros-Montemayor, F Croft, I Issifu, W Swartz, M Voyer. 2022. A primer on the “blue economy:” Promise, pitfalls, and pathways. One Earth 5 (9), 982-986 KM Crosman, EH Allison, Y OTA, AM Cisneros-Montemayor, GG Singh, W Swartz, M Bailey. 2022. A equidade social é a chave para a governança oceânica sustentável. Sustentabilidade do Oceano NPJ. H Amos, A Giron‐Nava, T Nguyen, AM Cisneros‐Montemayor, M Colléter, PC González‐Espinosa, W Swartz 2021. Collapse and recovery of seafood wholesale prices in time of COVID‐19. Fish and Fisheries 23 (4), 963-976 RA Davis, Q Hanich, B Haas, AM Cisneros-Montemayor, KAzmi, KL Seto, W Swartz, PC González-Espinosa, M Colléter, TJH Adams. 2022. Who gets the catch? How conventional catch attribution frameworks undermine equity in transboundary fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 831868. Massey, M., Fredericks, K., Malloy, D., Arif, S., Hutchings, J. 2022. Differential reproductive plasticity under thermal variability in a freshwater fish (Danio rerio). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289(1982): 20220751. Arif, S., MacNeil, A. 2022. Applying the structural causal model (SCM) framework for observational causal inference in ecology. Ecological Monographs 93(1): e1554. Arif, S., MacNeil, A. 2022. Predictive models aren’t for causal inference. Ecology Letters 25(3): 1741-1745. Arif, S., Graham, N., Wilson, S., MacNeil, A. 2022. Causal drivers of climate-mediated coral reef regime shifts. Ecosphere 13(3): e3956. Arif, S., MacNeil, A. 2022. Utilizing causal diagrams across quasi-experimental approaches. Ecosphere 13(4): e4009. Arif, S., Massey, M.D. 2022. Perspectives on teaching from early-career scientists: Graduate students as teachers. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(4): 15-20. Massey, M.D., Arif, S., Embuldeniya, S., Nanglu, K., Bielawski, J. 2022. Ten simple rules for succeeding as an underrepresented STEM undergraduate. PLoS Computation Biology, 18(6): e1010101. Cadman R & Bailey M. 2022. Indigenous Empowerment Through Co-Management: Land Claims Boards, Wildlife Management, and Environmental Regulations, by Graham White. ARCTIC, 75(4): 497-499.
Bailey M and Snook J. Warming-driving changes in Arctic fish communities must not leave local Indigenous communities out in the cold. 2021. One Earth 4(12): 1676-1677. Sinan H, Bailey M, and Swartz W. 2021. Disentangling politics in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission. Marine Policy 133: 104781. Sumaila RU, Skerritt D, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Burnside D, … and Zeller D. 2021. WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science 374(6567): 544. Schiller L, Auld G, Sinan H, and Bailey M. Decadal changes in international advocacy toward the conservation of highly migratory fishes. Conservation Letters 14(6): e12827. Seto K, Galland GR, McDonald A, Abolhassani A, Azmi K, Sinan H, Timmiss T, Bailey M, and Hanich Q. 2021. Resource allocation in transboundary tuna fisheries: A global analysis. Ambio 50(1): 242-259. Kourantidou M, Hoagland P, and Bailey M. 2021. Inuit food security as a consequence of fragmented marine resource management policies? Arctic 74: 40-55. Kourantidou M, Hoagland P, Dale A, and Bailey M. 2021. Equitable Allocations in Northern Fisheries: Bridging the Divide for Labrador Inuit. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(93): 1-19. Schiller L and Bailey M. 2021. Rapidly increasing eco‐certification coverage transforming management of world’s tuna fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 22(3): 592-604. Schiller L and Bailey M. 2021. Rapidly increasing eco‐certification coverage transforming management of world’s tuna fisheries. Fish and Fisheries: https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12539 Arif, S., Massey, M.D., Klinard, N., Charbonneau, J., Jabre, L., Martins, A., et al. 2021. Ten simple rules for supporting underrepresented students in science. PloS Computational Biology, 17(9): e1009313. Massey, M.D.*, Arif, S.*, Albury, C., Cluney, V. 2021. Ecology and evolutionary biology must elevate BIPOC scholars. Ecology Letters, 24: 913-919. Arif, S. 2021. Incorporating student-centered learning in an ecosystems course. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(2), 41-45. Sumaila RU, Skerritt D, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Burnside D, … and Zeller D. 2021. WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science 374(6567): 544. Swartz, W, AM Cisneros-Montemayor, GG Singh, P Boutet, Y Ota. 2021. AIS-based profiling of fishing vessels falls short as a “proof of concept” for identifying forced labor at sea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (19), e2100341118 Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Moreno-Báez, M., Reygondeau, G. et al. Enabling conditions for an equitable and sustainable blue economy. Nature 591, 396–401. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03327-3 Singh, GG, H Harden-Davies, EH Allison, AM Cisneros-Montemayor, W Swartz, KM Crosman, Y Ota. 2021. Will understanding the ocean lead to “the ocean we want”? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (5), e2100205118.
Seto K, Galland G, McDonald A, Abolhassani A, Azmi K, Sinan H, Timmiss T, Bailey M, and Quentin Hanich. 2020. Resource allocation in transboundary tuna fisheries: A global analysis. Ambio 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-020-01371-3 Kourantidou M, Hoover C and Bailey M. 2020. Indicators as boundary objects to integrate Inuit knowledge and western science for marine resource governance. Arctic Science. https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2019-0013 Bradford J, Bailey M and Filgueira R. 2020. Underwater community gardens? Exploring community-based marine aquaculture as a coastal resource management strategy in Nova Scotia, Canada. FACETS 5(1): 26-48. Wills C and Bailey M. 2020. Tuna trade-offs: Balancing profit and social benefits in one of the world’s largest fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12458 MacDonald, B. H., Cadman, R., Martin, C., Ryder-Burbidge, S., Soomai, S. S., Stewart, I., and Wells, P. G. (2020). Is the production and use of grey marine literature a model for open science? International Journal on Grey Literature. 16(2), 73–83. Cadman, R., MacDonald, B. H. and Soomai, S. S. (2020). Sharing victories: Characteristics of collaborative strategies of environmental non-governmental organizations in Canadian marine conservation. Marine Policy. 115(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103862 Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Ota Y, Bailey M, Hicks C, Khan AS, Rogers A, Sumaila UR, Virdin J and He K. 2020. Changing the narrative on fisheries subsidies reform: Enabling transitions to achieve SDG 14.6 and beyond. Marine Policy 117: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103970 Snook J, Akearok J, Palliser T, Hoover C, Cunsolo A, and Bailey M. 2020. “The opportunity for Inuit in the commercial fishery is pretty significant”: Enhancing fisheries co-management in the Eastern Arctic. Northern Public Affairs. Packer H, Schmidt J and Bailey M. 2020. Social networks and seafood sustainability governance: Exploring the relationship between social capital and the performance of fishery improvement projects. People and Nature. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10116 Le Manach F, Jacquet J, Bailey M, Jouanneau C and Nouvian C. 2020. Small is beautiful but large is certified: A comparison between fisheries the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) features in its promotional materials and MSC-certified fisheries. PLoS One 15(5). Sinan H, and Bailey M. 2020. Understanding barriers in Indian Ocean Tuna Commission allocation negotiations for fishing opportunities. Sustainability 12(16): Andriamahefazafy M, Bailey M, Sinan H and Kull C. 2020. The paradox of sustainable tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean: between visions of blue economy and realities of accumulation. Sustainability Science 15(1): 75-81. Teh LCL, Ota Y, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Harrington L, Swartz W. Are fishers poor? Getting to the muddy bottom of marine fisheries income statistics. Fish Fish. 2020; 21: 471–482. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12441
Tlusty M, Tyedmers P, Bailey M, et al. Three steps to mainstream seafood into the global agenda on ecosystem and human health. Global Environmental Change 59. Stoll J, Bailey M and Jonell M. 2019. Alternative pathways to sustainable seafood. Conservation Letters 13(1). Goodman AJ, Callaghan C, Bailey M, Walker T and Brillant S. 2019. A Ghostly Issue: Managing abandoned, lost and discarded lobster fishing gear in the Bay of Fundy in Eastern Canada. Ocean and Coastal Management 181: 104925. Weitzman J, and Bailey M. 2019. Communicating a risk controversy: Exploring the public discourse on net-pen aquaculture within Canadian media. Aquaculture 507: 172-183. Packer H, Swartz W, Ota Y, and Bailey M. 2019. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of the largest seafood suppliers in the wild capture fisheries sector: From vision to action. Sustainability 11(8): doi:10.3390/su11082254 Sumaila R, Tai T, Lam VWY, Cheung, WWL, Bailey M, Cisneros-Montemayor A, Chen OL, and Gulati SS. 2019. Benefits to the Paris Agreement to ocean life, economies, and people. Science Advances 5(2): 1-9 Borland M, and Bailey M. 2019. Benchmarking data of the Fair Trade USA Capture Fisheries Standard and the Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Standard against the Food and Agricultural Organizations Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries. Data in Brief. Borland M and Bailey M. 2019. A tale of two standards: The case of the USA Fair Trade certified Maluku yellowfin tuna handline fishery. Marine Policy 100: 353-360 Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Moreno-Báez, M., Voyer, M., Allison, E.H., Cheung, W.W.L., Hessing-Lewis, M., Oyinlola, M.A., Singh, G.G., Swartz, W., Ota, Y. 2019. Social equity and benefits as the nexus of a transformative Blue Economy: A sectoral review of implications. Marine Policy, 109, 103702: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103702.
Hanich Q, Rotjan R, Aqorau T, Bailey M Campbell B, Gray N, Gruby R, Hampton J, Ota Y, Parris H, Reid C, Sumaila UR, Swartz W. 2018. Unravelling the Blue Paradox: Incomplete analysis yields incorrect conclusions about Phoenix Island Protected Area closure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1815600115 Schiller L, Bailey M, Jacquet J and Sala E. 2018. High seas fisheries play a negligible role in addressing global food security. Science Advances 4(8): DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat8351 Bailey M, Packer H, Schiller L, Tlusty M and Swartz W. 2018. The role of corporate social responsibility in creating a Seussian world of seafood sustainability. Fish and Fisheries. Doi.org/10.1111/faf.12289. Bennett N, Kaplan-Hallam M, Augustine G, Ban N, Belhabib D, Brueckner-Irwin I, Charles A, Couture J, Eger S, Fanning L, Foley P, Goodfellow AM, Greba L, Gregr E, Hall D, Harper S, Maloney B, McIsaac J, Ou W, Pinkerton E, Porter D, Sparrow R, Stephenson R, Stocks A, Sumaila UR, Sutcliffe T and Bailey M. 2018. Coastal and Indigenous community access to marine resources and the ocean: A policy imperative for Canada. Marine Policy 87: 186-193. Edmondson E, Abraham Gerhartz A, Fanning L and Bailey M. 2018. Addressing tensions between participation and protection: Use of the U.S. Antiquities Act of 1906 in marine conservation. Ocean Yearbook 32. Yeeting AD, Weikard H-P, Bailey M, Ram-Bidesi V and Bush SR. 2018. Stabilising cooperation through pragmatic tolerance: The case of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) tuna fishery. Regional Environmental Change DOI 10.1007/s10113-017-1219-0 Weitzman J and Bailey M. 2018. Perceptions of aquaculture ecolabels: A multi-stakeholder approach in Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Policy 87: 12-22.
Bailey M. Shining a light on seafood mislabeling through respectful debate. Conservation Letters 10(6): 654-655. VanderZwaag D, Bailey M and Shackell N. 2017. Fisheries management in the Gulf of Maine: Taking stock and charting future coordinates in the wake of climate change. Ocean Yearbook 31: 1-26. Bush S, Bailey M, van Zwieten P, Kochen M, Wiryawan B, Doddema A and Mangunsong S. 2017. Private provision of public information in tuna fisheries. Marine Policy 77: 130-135.
Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Cheung WWC, Bodtker K, Teh L, Steiner N, Bailey M, Hoover C and Sumaila R. 2016. Towards an integrated database of Canadian ocean resources: Benefits, current states, and research gaps. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 10.1139/cjfax-2015-0573: 1-10. Schiller L, Mason T, Govender R, Short K and Bailey M. 2016. The rise and relevance of private governance in Canada’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors. IUCN Policy Matters 21: 92-108. Kossmann C, Behagel J and Bailey M. 2016. Action and inertia in collaborative governance. Marine Policy 72: 21-30. Bailey M and Egels-Zanden N. 2016. Transparency and traceability for just seafood systems. Solutions 7(4): 66-73. Bailey M, Bush SR, Oosterveer P and Larastiti L. 2016. Fishers, Fair Trade and finding middle ground. Fisheries Research 182: 59-68. Bailey M, Favaro B, Otto S, Charles T, Devillers R, Metaxas A, Tyedmers P, Ban NC, Mason T, Hoover C, Duck TJ, Fanning L, Milley C, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Pauly D, Cheung WWL, Cullis-Suzuki S, Teh L Sumaila R. 2016. Canada at a Crossroad: The imperative for realigning ocean policy with ocean science. Marine Policy 63: 53-60. Yeeting A, Bush SR, Ram-Bidesi V and Bailey M. 2016. Implications of new economic policy instruments for tuna management in the western and central Pacific. Marine Policy 63: 45-52. Bailey M, Bush SR, Miller A, and Kochen M. 2016. The role of traceability in transforming seafood governance in the global South. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18: 25-32. Bailey M, Miller AMM, Bush SR, van Zwieten PAM and Wiryawan B. 2016. Closing the incentive gap: The role of public and private actors in managing Indonesia’s tuna fisheries. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 18: 25-32.
Bailey M and Sumaila, UR. 2015. Destructive fishing and fisheries enforcement in Eastern Indonesia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 530: 195-211. Libre SVD, van Voorn G, ten Broek G, Bailey M, et al. 2015. Effects of social factors on fishing effort: The case of the Philippine tuna purse seine fishery. Fisheries Research 172: 250-260. Hanich Q, Campbell B, Bailey M and Molenaar E. 2015. Research into fisheries equity and fairness – addressing conservation burden concerns in transboundary fisheries. Marine Policy 51: 302-304.
The lab often lends a hand in writing for publish in academic books and book chapters.
Coming soon.
Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL. In press. Canada’s Oceans and Coasts: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. Chapter 1 in Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL (Eds) Canada’s Oceans: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. UBC Press. Jones R, Doubleday N, Bailey M, Paul K, Taylor F, and Pulsifer P. In press. Reconciliation and Indigenous Ocean Management in Canada: Current Status. Chapter 2 in Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL (Eds) Canada’s Oceans: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. UBC Press. Bailey M, and Charles A. In press. Lobsters and livelihoods: An access story. Chapter 6 in Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL (Eds) Canada’s Oceans: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. UBC Press. Hoover C, Snook J, Akearok J, Palliser T, Giles A, Basterfield M, Dale A, Kourantidou M, Cunsolo A, and Bailey M. In press. The role of fisheries co-management in addressing access and allocation inequities in Eastern Inuit Nunangat. Chapter 8 in Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL (Eds) Canada’s Oceans: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. UBC Press. Jones R, Doubleday N, Bailey M, Paul K, Taylor F, and Pulsifer P. In press. Reconciliation and Indigenous Ocean Management in Canada: The Path Forward. Chapter 14 in Sumaila UR, Armitage D, Bailey M, and Cheung WWL (Eds) Canada’s Oceans: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. UBC Press.
Amos H, and Bailey M. 2020. Linking small-scale fishing and community capitals: The case of Atlantic cod. In Duncan J, Carolan M, and Wiskerke H (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems.
McIlveen S, Schnurr R, Auld G, Arnold S, Flett K and Bailey M. 2019. Towards credibility of the Marine Stewardship Council. In Vogt M (ed) Sustainability Certification Schemes in the Agricultural and Natural Resource Sectors. Routledge. Chapter 9, 14 pp.
Bailey M. 2018. What is the role of private governance in contemporary fisheries management? In The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918–2002). Brill Publishers. Pp. 344-348.
Bailey M, Vestergaard N, amd Sumaila UR. 2017. Overcoming principal-agent problems in the governance of internationally shared fisheries. Game Theory Applications to Environmental Economics. Pp. 1-27. Groeneveld R, Bush SR and Bailey M. 2017. Chapter 20: Private governance of ocean resources. Handbook on the Economics and Management for Sustainable Oceans. Edward Elgar Publishing. Pp. 416-428.
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